
Photographic art project about climate change and melting glaciers.

“The nature landscapes we love are soon going to be extinct. I realize the memory and evidence those landscapes once existed will be only digital or on paper.„

In my art project I try to reflect some light on the situation of glaciers and how the overuse of resources is bringing the climate to drastic level and threaten the exist of glaciers. I got the idea for the project from the screens when one overuse his memory reserve parts of the images start to disappear and instead we see blank or black pixel-like squares. In the images the I demonstrate the endangered parts that I imagine they would be gone in the future in a form of white squares.

the overuse of resources and over consuming is strongly related to global warming and we are all taking part in it. The results are drastic to our future, peace, environment and economy. The series deals with the change in landscape and shrinking of glaciers, especially on the Alps, Iceland and Spain. Even if we manage to stop the climate from warming any further, keeping it at the level of the past 10 years, glaciers would still lose about 40% of their present day volume by 2050 because of this “glacier response time,” says Zekollari.

The project was exhibited in November 2019 at Valand Academy in Göteborg, Sweden


Swedish Subway

